Psychotherapy and counselling is increasingly
recognised to be of lasting benefit.

I offer a safe, private place to talk about personal problems and the stresses of modern living.

Who I am

Hello, I’m Kate. I’m an experienced, accredited/registered therapist and supervisor with a private practice in Lewes, offering safe, affordable therapy and supervision for adults. Former clients have said I am calm, supportive, non-judgemental, empathic, professional and boundaried. I work face-to-face or online.

I have a Msc/Clin. Dip, in psychotherapy and counselling from the Metanoia Institute in London. And a Diploma in Supervision (Dip. Sup.). I originally trained in psychotherapy and counselling at London’s Regent College. I am accredited with both professional bodies, UKCP and BACP. I have also worked as a writer and editor.

How can I help?

As a therapist, click here   |   As a supervisor, click here

As a therapist: I understand you may be in a difficult or uncomfortable place in your life and starting therapy may be a daunting step. I offer a quiet, private, non-judgemental place in Lewes or online to talk.

I believe therapy is a positive step in looking after yourself in a new way and can be higher education for our emotional life. Many clients have said they wish they’d done it sooner.

Overall, I have helped people to overcome issues including:

  • Anxiety, depression, stress
  • Relationship issues
  • Parenthood issues
  • Low self confidence
  • Identity and Sexuality
  • Issues from Childhood, Motherhood/Fatherhood
  • Loss and Bereavement
  • Illness
  • Self-harm and Abuse
  • Eating Disorders
  • Work-related issues

You don’t have to be in crisis to benefit, as it can also assist you with:

  • Spiritual growth and self knowledge
  • Expanding your choices
  • Resolving inner conflicts and stuckness
  • Finding direction and identity

As a supervisor: Wherever you are in counselling training, an established practitioner or newly qualified, supervision is an integral part of your journey. Rapport is as important here as in finding the right therapist, so I invite you to an initial session where we will go through your expectations, needs and current requirements as a supervisee so I can meet and support you where you are. I will explain how I work and what you can expect from me as your supervisor. All areas of my practice are in accordance with the UKCP’s (and BACP’s) Ethical Framework.

I aim to offer a safe, boundaried, collaborative place for you in which to reflect on and allow an overview of your practice. This includes addressing your personal wellbeing, to enable or enhance your work.

My roots are in both relational humanistic and psychodynamic thinking and includes, for example, attending to all aspects of relationships, attachment dynamics, parallel process, transference, countertransference and projections. One of the models I integrate is Hawkin and Shohet’s widely used relational and systemic model and its seven eyes or perspectives on all aspects of your relationship with a client and ours together.

Therapy and Supervision For You: My Approach

I believe that one size does not fit all and to be effective I need to tailor my approach to you, the individual: what may suit one person may not suit another.

I am therefore an integrative therapist and supervisor. This means I work within my own framework, integrating different but complementary strands of therapy from psychodynamic and humanistic traditions. My training in supervision also supports and encourages me to work across different modalities.

In particular I integrate TA, as well as Gestalt and Person Centred approaches. I also have some training in CBT methods, although I am not a CBT practitioner and do not give homework, for example.

The psychodynamic/developmental part of my approach examines how the past can impact the present, and how internal conflicts can lead to emotional suffering. Humanistic views seek to understand how more conscious thoughts and feelings shape behaviour; and how you perceive yourself or subjectivity: what it is like to be you for example, and what conditions do you need to grow as a person or practitioner.


I operate a sliding scale from £70 to £60 a session. The initial session is £45.

Initial session

I suggest an initial session or assessment to see whether we are right for each other. There is no obligation to continue.

You can also book a free 15-minute consultation via Zoom.


I operate a sliding scale from £70 to £60 a session.

You can pay by bank transfer weekly or monthly; or by cash per session.

Session Length

A session lasts 50 minutes and usually is held once a week at the same time and place.

Re supervision, I usually offer fortnightly sessions of 50 minutes, or monthly sessions of 90 minutes.

Contact me

Nowadays I am quicker to respond by email than phone. You can email me at Or leave a message on 07973 661080 and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.


I work from a quiet location in Lewes, East Sussex (see map below).
There is free on-road parking, and bus stops nearby.